The Heart of the Matter

There are many different kinds of heart disease. The most common is atherosclerosis (ath-uh-roh-skluh-roh-sis), the buildup of fatty deposits or plaques in the walls of arteries. As plaque builds up, there is less space for blood to flow normally and deliver oxygen through­out the body, including to the heart. Depending on where the buildup is, it can cause a heart attack, leg pain, or a stroke. Atherosclerosis is not part of normal aging and can be serious. Continue Reading →

Bolstering Healthy Lifestyles

These little tricks may help keep you healthy, or start you in the right direction of becoming healthier. The healthier you are, the safer (and happier!) you will be. Continue Reading →

Safety Commitment

Are you a gambler?  Are you willing to risk it all? What happens when we “knowingly” commit an unsafe act or risky behavior?  Ask yourself - Who loses the most?  Who is affected by YOUR actions? Continue Reading →

Treacherous Travels

This winter has been particularly harsh with the cold and snow. Your car needs to be mechanically fit and you need to be mentally prepared when you travel. Continue Reading →

Resolutions. You Can Make Them. But Can You Keep them?

Making New Year resolutions? Here’s a few tips for success. Continue Reading →

Don’t Drink and Drive

Happy Holidays! We look forward to seeing everyone get back to work safely after the holidays. Please do your part to make that happen. Continue Reading →