Count Your Way to Safety

Consider the following scenario: The lights are out, it is totally dark and you can’t see. You smell smoke and there is a fire. You must evacuate and escape. Now close your eyes for 10 seconds and mentally find your way to safety. Did you remember that doorway? That wall? That step? That desk? That machine? Other obstacles? Were you able to negotiate your way to safety? Continue Reading →

Office Electrical Safety

What Are The Hazards? Fire and Electrocution are the two main hazards associated with Office Electrical Safety. Overloaded circuits can also cause power loss, work interruptions, and loss of productivity. A "rats nest" of tangled electrical cords not only creates a fire hazard but also a personal injury risk from slips / trips / falls. Many personal offices, cubicles, and work areas are not set up to handle the additional electrical load from items such as space heaters, fans, coffee makers, and printers. Continue Reading →

Household Hazardous Waste

Most factories and offices have a plan to deal with hazardous waste, but very few households have a similar plan to safely dispose of hazardous products. Batteries, cleaners, pesticides, light bulbs, and even medications are only a few items that should be disposed of properly and NOT flushed down a drain or placed in the garbage where they could potentially contaminate the streams and groundwater. Continue Reading →

Eye Safety Month

March is "Eye Safety Month", which serves as a timely reminder that we need to protect our eyes at all times. Interestingly, most eye injuries occur to people who are performing their regular jobs. In addition, most eye injuries occur to workers who are either not wearing the correct eye protection for the job or to those who are not wearing any eye protection. The obvious conclusion is that most, if not all, eye injuries can be prevented simply by wearing the proper eye protection for the job being performed. Continue Reading →

Stepladder Safety

Stepladders can be a quick and easy way to extend your reach, however, every time you use a stepladder there is a risk for permanent injury or death. Those hazards can be greatly reduced by following good safety practices. Eliminate the Common Hazards by: Continue Reading →

Fatal Falls

A review the OSHA stats regarding fatalities readily highlights trends on how workers are being hurt and killed. In fact in the latest report, five of the first seven incidents listed, show workers who died from some sort of fall. It is important to remember here that non-work related injuries and fatalities often mirror the OSHA statistics. Continue Reading →