
  • Glass bottling line
  • Quality control laboratories
  • Complete process engineering
Windsor, Connecticut

Designed the cullet handling system, which recycles 90% of the manufactured glass.

Emhart Glass, a major equipment supplier for the glass container manufacturing industry, wanted to build their own Reasearch and Development (R&D) center for their container forming and testing equipment. The company previously relied on their clients’ facilities to test equipment, which often meant delays in schedule. Emhart called upon SSOE’s glass manufacturing expertise to design the process systems for the plant.

The unique center includes an actual glass manufacturing plant and quality control laboratories. SSOE developed the building layout and coordinated with a local architect. SSOE designed the complete layout of the center’s batch house, melting furnace, and process equipment. In addition, we worked with Nikolaus SORG GmbH & Co KG on the furnace integration. Our engineers also designed the hot and cold cullet handling system, recycling 90% of the manufactured glass to the batch house.

Other responsibilities included designing the installation of a new IS machine, designing the furnace exhaust system, and coordinating with the utility company to determine proper electrical loads.

“SSOE conducted their work with the high level of expertise and professionalism necessary to enable the plant to become operational 12 months from project approval by our parent company Bucher Industries,” said Steven Pinkerton, Project Manager for Emhart Glass.