Emergency Evacuation Plan: Where to Go and What to Do

You are notified that a tornado is heading toward your location, the fire alarm system in the building is activated, or there is a notification to evacuate the building you are in. These are just a few example situations where you should either evacuate a building or take shelter in a building. Continue Reading →

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

Every year, thousands of people are impacted by severe weather and natural disasters, such as Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Thunderstorms, Floods, Hurricanes, and Ice or Snow Storms. We can’t control when or where disaster will strike, however, we can be prepared by knowing what to do Before, During, and After a severe weather event. Continue Reading →

When Disaster Strikes Will YOU Be Ready?

Every year, thousands of people are impacted by severe weather and natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, floods, hurricanes, and ice or snow storms. We can’t control when or where disaster will strike, however, we can be prepared by knowing what to do before, during, and after a severe weather event. Continue Reading →

Stay Alert! Stay Alive!

I’ll bet your first thought is that this will be another safe driving tip! Well……..Yes and No! In reality the "Stay Alert! Stay Alive" mantra should guide all our activities regardless if we are driving, working, or at home. Continue Reading →