Are You Committed to Safety?

Are you a gambler?  Are you willing to risk it all?  What happens when we “knowingly” commit an unsafe act or risky behavior?  Ask yourself - Who loses the most?  Who is affected by YOUR actions? No matter if the risky behavior is on the job, at home or even on vacation, the consequences can be the same.  The personal injury, financial burden, business impact, tarnished image and even death are all a reality when we are unsafe.  With all this in mind, people need to make a decision that can lower and hopefully remove unsafe situations and bad behaviors. Continue Reading →

Shortcuts are Killers

There are no shortcuts to safety! Most people try to get their jobs done with the least amount of time and energy, which leads us to continually look for better ways for completing our work – as it should be. However, safety hazards increase when those "better ways" are only short cuts that don’t consider how to do the job safely or disregard the safety systems already in place. Continue Reading →

At Risk Behavior

You have all heard the expression "like a bull in a china shop" in reference to someone being careless or clumsy. Let’s give that bull a name and call it "at risk behavior." That bull can make a shambles of you and your family’s life – it can destroy your personal "china shop." Continue Reading →