Safety Shortcuts

Most of us know that accidents are caused by only two things - unsafe acts or practices, and unsafe conditions. Some of us even know that 9 out of 10 accidents are the result of unsafe acts, or things we do when we know better. This is kind of strange if you think about it. We have more to fear from our own actions than from any other job hazards around us. Why do we deliberately expose ourselves to injury every day? Continue Reading →

Injury Event Triangle

Looking at the Injury Event Triangle, you will see that Three things must be in place for the event or injury to occur. There must be a Motive (Hazard / Risk), a Target (YOU), and an Opportunity (Bad Decision). Continue Reading →

Shortcuts are Killers

There are no shortcuts to safety! Most people try to get their jobs done with the least amount of time and energy, which leads us to continually look for better ways for completing our work – as it should be. However, safety hazards increase when those "better ways" are only short cuts that don’t consider how to do the job safely or disregard the safety systems already in place. Continue Reading →

At Risk Behavior

You have all heard the expression "like a bull in a china shop" in reference to someone being careless or clumsy. Let’s give that bull a name and call it "at risk behavior." That bull can make a shambles of you and your family’s life – it can destroy your personal "china shop." Continue Reading →