Emoticons Can Kill?

Do you text? Read emails on your phone? Look at social updates? View your calendar? Browse the internet? I know, you may be thinking…"Well I don’t do that while I am driving!" If that’s the case, then I cannot be more proud of you and the decision you have made regarding safety! However, this is not a message regarding phone usage while driving, This message is about the dangers of texting and walking. By the way, the article on the newspaper is a true story! Continue Reading →

Stay Alert! Stay Alive!

I’ll bet your first thought is that this will be another safe driving tip! Well……..Yes and No! In reality the "Stay Alert! Stay Alive" mantra should guide all our activities regardless if we are driving, working, or at home. Continue Reading →

Don’t Fall for Slippery Conditions

Wear non-skid footwear that is appropriate for the weather and conditions. Shoes with smooth soles and higher heels provide less surface area and less traction on slippery surfaces. You might consider purchasing clip on cleats that will provide good traction on ice and snow. Continue Reading →