Entries by SSOE Group

Eye Safety Month

March is "Eye Safety Month", which serves as a timely reminder that we need to protect our eyes at all times. Interestingly, most eye injuries occur to people who are performing their regular jobs. In addition, most eye injuries occur to workers who are either not wearing the correct eye protection for the job or to those who are not wearing any eye protection. The obvious conclusion is that most, if not all, eye injuries can be prevented simply by wearing the proper eye protection for the job being performed. Continue Reading →

Injury Event Triangle

Looking at the Injury Event Triangle, you will see that Three things must be in place for the event or injury to occur. There must be a Motive (Hazard / Risk), a Target (YOU), and an Opportunity (Bad Decision). Continue Reading →

“Critical Eye” on Safety

Just what does it mean to look at something with a “Critical Eye”? Is it to criticize or to find fault? No, that’s not the idea! By observing with a “Critical Eye” you will be making an objective and analytical evaluation of the situation rather than just being a casual observer. When you are considering how to perform a task safely, just being a casual observer takes away your opportunity to find and eliminate hazards and greatly increases your chances for injury. The most important result of observing with a “Critical Eye” is that it eliminates the impulse decisions and allows time for the mind to do the critical thinking that will lead to the best course of action. A simple way to make the best decisions regarding safety is to use the STOP method. Continue Reading →

Stepladder Safety

Stepladders can be a quick and easy way to extend your reach, however, every time you use a stepladder there is a risk for permanent injury or death. Those hazards can be greatly reduced by following good safety practices. Eliminate the Common Hazards by: Continue Reading →

Back To School Safety

Attention drivers…school buses are back on the road! Now is a good time to review laws and safety tips regarding school buses and students. Did you know that school buses are one of the safest forms of transportation? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, riding a school bus is 13 times safer than riding in a car and 10 times safer than walking to school. Let’s work to keep it that way! Continue Reading →

Safe in a Flash!

Arc Flash is a sudden release of electrical energy or fireball that is caused by a short circuit in electrical equipment. That fireball can release dangerous levels of thermal energy with temperatures over 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The rapid expansion of gases and temperatures, or pressure waves, during an arc-flash incident can send shrapnel, molten metal, tools, and other objects through the air at speeds over 700 mph. Add to that a sound pressure of 165dB (decibels) and an arc-flash incident can be the equivalent of a small explosion. Arc flash incidents can result in a loss of life, serious potential career ending injuries (including burns, loss of eyesight, and hearing that require extended recovery time), and extensive property damage. Continue Reading →