Moving Machine Parts Increase Safety Risks

If it revolves, swings, spins, slides, opens, closes, or moves in any way at all, it can hurt or kill you. We often think about fingers or other extremities that might get caught in machinery, however a person could be dragged into many pieces of equipment and be injured or crushed even before they have a chance to cry out for help. Construction equipment, production machinery, process equipment, transportation devices, such as automobiles and bicycles, home shop and yard equipment, and even office photocopiers contain moving parts that can cause injuries. Injuries related to machinery and equipment often result in death or permanent disability. Continue Reading →

It Can All Change in the Blink of an Eye

The fact is, most eye injuries cause permanent damage. It takes just one incident to suffer permanent damage or blindness. Proper eye protection can keep you safe. Continue Reading →

What’s SUP?

For most of us, it is in our nature to jump in and help out in a crisis. But if we don’t protect ourselves when we help the injured, we risk exposure to blood born pathogens or other potentially infectious bodily fluids. Continue Reading →

Your Home. Your Stuff. Protect it!

Over 2.5 million home intrusions are reported every year, and less than 20% of burglars are ever caught and arrested. Here is some advice to avoid becoming a part of these statistics. Continue Reading →

Are You Too Hot to Handle?

Any worker exposed to hot and humid conditions is at risk of heat illness, especially those doing heavy work tasks or using bulky protective clothing and equipment. Some workers might be at greater risk than others if they have not built up a tolerance to hot conditions, including new workers, temporary workers, or those returning to work after a week or more off. All workers are at risk during a heat wave. It is very important to watch out for each other during extreme heat. Simple overheating and dehydration can quickly become dangerous. Here is what to look out for and what actions to take. Continue Reading →

LOTOTO – Because Freak Accidents Happen

What if someone didn’t know that you were working on a machine, or electrical outlet, and turned on the power? Lockout/tagout/tryout is a safety procedure used to ensure that dangerous machines, equipment, or services are properly shut off and not able to be started up again before maintenance is completed. Continue Reading →