Emoticons Can Kill?

Do you text? Read emails on your phone? Look at social updates? View your calendar? Browse the internet? I know, you may be thinking…"Well I don’t do that while I am driving!" If that’s the case, then I cannot be more proud of you and the decision you have made regarding safety! However, this is not a message regarding phone usage while driving, This message is about the dangers of texting and walking. By the way, the article on the newspaper is a true story! Continue Reading →

Safety Rules: Why They Exist

Who is responsible for the creation of safety rules? It was the guy we’ve all heard about who cut off two of his fingers after he removed the guard on a saw. He was helped by the machinist who didn’t have the time to go back to the lunch room for safety glasses and lost an eye when the bit broke in the drill press. They both got advice from a co-worker who had his head split open by a falling hammer because he "just plain didn’t like to wear hard hats." Continue Reading →

3 “P”s of Winter Driving

Winter driving can be a dangerous and challenging adventure when you have to contend with ice and snow. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and OSHA have issued an article titled "Safe Winter Driving". The article describes ways to put the three Ps of winter driving (prepare, protect, and prevent) into motion in your daily lives. Continue Reading →