It’s Baaack!

Summer Time!! Yes folks, It’s that time again! Time for warm weather, grilling and picnics, water activities, travel, and outdoor fun! If you practice common sense and safety in all of your activities you will keep you looking good, feeling good, and you won’t miss out on any of the fun. Continue Reading →

Are You Too Hot to Handle?

Any worker exposed to hot and humid conditions is at risk of heat illness, especially those doing heavy work tasks or using bulky protective clothing and equipment. Some workers might be at greater risk than others if they have not built up a tolerance to hot conditions, including new workers, temporary workers, or those returning to work after a week or more off. All workers are at risk during a heat wave. It is very important to watch out for each other during extreme heat. Simple overheating and dehydration can quickly become dangerous. Here is what to look out for and what actions to take. Continue Reading →

Flu Season is Here

When is flu season? Flu season begins in October and runs through May, with peak flu activity in January and February. The best way to protect against the flu is to get a flu vaccine each year. The vaccine for the 2012-2013 season has arrived at many health providers, clinics, and other dispensing locations. Now is a good time to be vaccinated before the flu season gets started. Continue Reading →