Older and Wiser— But Still in Shape?

Warmer weather and longer days are beckoning us to get out and be active. Your inner child may be telling you to run, jump, and play — but is your body ready? If you haven't exercised in a while you can increase your risk for injury during physical activity. It's important to have a realistic idea of your body's condition. Your body may not be able to function the way it did ten years ago, three years ago, or even last season if you haven't been staying regularly active. Here are few suggestions to help prevent injury during physical activity. Continue Reading →

Construction Safety Talk Series: The Fatal Four

So many different activities occur in the construction industry, and with those activities come risk; at times, high risk. In 2014, 20% of workplace fatalities occurred in the construction industry, totaling 874 deaths. The Bureau of Labor Statistics identified four causes of death that were responsible for over half of those construction worker fatalities. Continue Reading →

Who’s Got Your Back?

In an ideal work team environment we like to think that we all have each other’s backs. However, when it comes down to taking care of the physical health of our backs and spines, the responsibility falls onto the individual person. Statistics show that nearly 80% of Americans will suffer from back pain or back injury at some point during their lives. Back strains are second only to the common cold for lost work days. Continue Reading →