Can You Hear Me Now?

Hearing Loss: Heredity, aging, and exposure to loud noises are the main factors that contribute to hearing loss. Chronic exposure to high levels of noise can cause permanent hearing loss that cannot be reversed. Much of the hearing loss suffered later in life is related to damage caused at a younger age. Now is the time to prevent and protect. Continue Reading →

Thanksgiving Safety

The holidays may look a little different this year. Please take these tips into consideration when holding / attending Thanksgiving gatherings. We're all in this together. Let's have a healthy & safe Thanksgiving. We can share this day with loved ones, but let's play it safe. Continue Reading →

Protecting Your Own Safety: Knowing the Signs of Declining Mental Health

During times of extreme stress, being aware of declining mental health is really important. Many people are able to see others decline much sooner and more clearly than they may see themselves. It is normal during stressful events to feel some sadness, fear, and anxiety however, if these feelings are left unaddressed for too long, they can lead to more significant problems such as suicidal thoughts, violence, and addiction. It is important that we learn as much as we can about the signs to watch for because we are more socially isolated and people are not spending time with us to help keep us in check. Continue Reading →

Hand Safety and Injury Prevention

Healthy hands are needed for just about every job and to get through daily life comfortably. We use our hands for virtually every task we do at work. Because of this fact, they are commonly injured on the job. Keeping our hands and fingers out of harm’s way at work is critical. A serious injury to an individual’s hands or fingers results in a huge negative impact on their ability to work and overall quality of life. While gloves are the most common form of PPE found in the workplace, hand injuries are still one of the leading types of injury on the job. Continue Reading →

The “Fall Back” to Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time will end Sunday, November 1. After getting an extra hour of sleep, our internal body clocks can take up to a week to acclimate to this schedule shift. Continue Reading →


In light of current events, millions of people are now telecommuting. This presents unique challenges and safety concerns that affect us all. Whether you are newly working from home due to COVID-19 or seasoned telecommuters, you are ultimately responsible for your own safety. Below are some tips to help make your telecommute safe: Continue Reading →