The “Fall Back” to Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time will end Sunday, November 1. After getting an extra hour of sleep, our internal body clocks can take up to a week to acclimate to this schedule shift. Continue Reading →


In light of current events, millions of people are now telecommuting. This presents unique challenges and safety concerns that affect us all. Whether you are newly working from home due to COVID-19 or seasoned telecommuters, you are ultimately responsible for your own safety. Below are some tips to help make your telecommute safe: Continue Reading →

Safety Hierarchy of Control

I was recently asked what ESH & S is and what it means. What it stands for is Environmental, Safety, Health, and Security. To many of you, that may seem like “overkill”. To others it is “wasted money”. Governmental agencies require codes, standards, and regulations to ensure that workers and the public are safe and both employers and employees must follow them. Continue Reading →

Fire Protection Month

October is National Fire Prevention Month, a time when we all should be aware of ways to help learn fire safety. Continue Reading →