Safety Always Culture

Our safety goal is “0” Lost Time Accidents. We need 100% participation. But what is your responsibility to achieve this goal? Continue Reading →

10 Key Attributes of Injury Free Workers

The following attributes and characteristics are the result of a nearly 10 year study and countless hours of personal interviews with employees who have worked their entire careers injury free. Continue Reading →

Emoticons Can Kill?

Do you text? Read emails on your phone? Look at social updates? View your calendar? Browse the internet? I know, you may be thinking…"Well I don’t do that while I am driving!" If that’s the case, then I cannot be more proud of you and the decision you have made regarding safety! However, this is not a message regarding phone usage while driving, This message is about the dangers of texting and walking. By the way, the article on the newspaper is a true story! Continue Reading →

The Heart of the Matter

There are many different kinds of heart disease. The most common is atherosclerosis (ath-uh-roh-skluh-roh-sis), the buildup of fatty deposits or plaques in the walls of arteries. As plaque builds up, there is less space for blood to flow normally and deliver oxygen through­out the body, including to the heart. Depending on where the buildup is, it can cause a heart attack, leg pain, or a stroke. Atherosclerosis is not part of normal aging and can be serious. Continue Reading →