Entries by SSOE Group

Safety Rules: Why They Exist

Who is responsible for the creation of safety rules? It was the guy we’ve all heard about who cut off two of his fingers after he removed the guard on a saw. He was helped by the machinist who didn’t have the time to go back to the lunch room for safety glasses and lost an eye when the bit broke in the drill press. They both got advice from a co-worker who had his head split open by a falling hammer because he "just plain didn’t like to wear hard hats." Continue Reading →

Count Your Way to Safety

Consider the following scenario: The lights are out, it is totally dark and you can’t see. You smell smoke and there is a fire. You must evacuate and escape. Now close your eyes for 10 seconds and mentally find your way to safety. Did you remember that doorway? That wall? That step? That desk? That machine? Other obstacles? Were you able to negotiate your way to safety? Continue Reading →

Plan Ahead for Holiday and Winter Travel

The holidays are fast approaching and so is the need to prepare and protect yourself during the hazardous winter driving ahead. Your car needs to be mechanically fit and you need to be mentally prepared for the travel ahead of you. Think about your family and friends that are counting on you to deliver them safely during the cold, ice, and snow over the winter months. Consider others who have not planned ahead and are not cautious drivers. They are the drivers you will have to be ready to avoid on the slippery winter roads. Continue Reading →

“For Safety’s Sake – Do Something!”

Everyday activities including work, play, school, shopping, travel, and just about everything we do involves some sort of safety risk. So how do we protect ourselves and others from these potential injuries? By far the most important way to prevent injuries is to train ourselves to be vigilant and be able to recognize conditions that could cause injury to ourselves and others. It’s great to be able to recognize and avoid injuries, but that is not enough! What do we do after that? Do we just walk on by? Do we tell someone or file an Incident Report? Still not enough! If possible, you should try to "Do Something" to eliminate that risk. Continue Reading →

Why Do You Work Safely?

In order to deliberately do something day after day you need a reason. You eat because you need food to live. You sleep because your body needs the rest. You go to work to provide for yourself and your family. Have you stopped to think about your reasons for working safely? Do you go along with safety regulations because OSHA and the company say so, or to win recognition for being accident free? Stop and think – you have far better reasons for working safely, and here are only a few examples: Continue Reading →

Office Electrical Safety

What Are The Hazards? Fire and Electrocution are the two main hazards associated with Office Electrical Safety. Overloaded circuits can also cause power loss, work interruptions, and loss of productivity. A "rats nest" of tangled electrical cords not only creates a fire hazard but also a personal injury risk from slips / trips / falls. Many personal offices, cubicles, and work areas are not set up to handle the additional electrical load from items such as space heaters, fans, coffee makers, and printers. Continue Reading →