Carbon Monoxide – The Silent Killer

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous, colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. It has no detectable odor and is often mixed with other gases that do. Carbon monoxide can be inhaled without even knowing it. CO is emitted from burning natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, oil, propane, coal, or wood. Forges, blast furnaces, and coke ovens produce CO, but one of the most common sources of exposure is the internal combustion engine.CO can be found in the home.  Continue Reading →

Workplace Violence Should Not Be Part of your Job!

Many times, a violent act is preceded by a threat. The threats can be explicit or veiled, spoken or unspoken, specific or vague. Observed behavior might suggest the potential for some type of violent act to occur. Off-handed remarks or comments made to people close to the individual may suggest problematic behavior. Dealing with threats or threatening behavior, whether that is detecting, evaluating or finding ways to address it, may be the most important steps to prevent violence.  Continue Reading →

slips, trips, falls

Slips, trips, and falls are the second highest cause of accidental deaths and injuries, behind motor vehicle accidents. Each year, almost two million disabling injuries and thousands of minor injuries occur on stairways. While slips, trips, and falls are the cause of numerous injuries and deaths every day, they are among the easiest to correct. Continue Reading →

Winter time, slips, trips, falls

Winter weather and slippery conditions are here. Walking on snow and ice coveredsidewalks, parking lots, and work sites cause a substantial number of falls for workers and pedestrians. It is important to avoid routine behaviors and to be on guard for changing conditions and hazards. Wet or icy surfaces, uneven pavement, snow covered hazards, glare, and poor visibility all increase the risk for falls and injury. A minor fall may only result in bruised pride, however the potential is always there for serious injuries, such as broken bones or even fatal injuries. Continue Reading →

When Safety is the Name of the Game

Stop and think about your favorite winning sports team. How do they do it? Do they have a superstar that will always carry the team? Sometimes but not likely! Consistently winning teams are made up of individual players who all maintain a high level of intensity and share a collective mindset that they will not be defeated, and that is how they succeed as a team. Every team member puts in the hard work and practice that gives them the confidence and ability to make the winning plays when the game is on the line. Continue Reading →

A New Year – A New Year

Making Those New Year's Resolutions? They often include health, finances, safety, and career. Continue Reading →